What is Stakeholders’ Platform?

- It is a forum for knowledge, information exchange and discussion relating to food packaging and valorisation issues in the light of the needs and expectations of the experts ofthe area.
- To foster an understanding of what is new in sustainable food packaging from technical, environmental and business concepts / cross-chain valorisation aspects, including development opportunities and potential applications of innovative bioprocesses and bio-products.
- To provide guidance to GLOPACK based on the key activities of the members of the SP, their needs and problems to ensure that the project activities and outcomes are focused on priority areas and the proposed products and technologies will meet the expectations of the stakeholders.
How to become a member
- We welcome anyone interested in or working in the field of food packaging or related industries.
- Please note: as the members of the Stakeholder Platform receive early access to GLOPACK results, you will need to sign a Non-Disclosure Agreement, which covers confidentiality and intellectual property issues.
Contact the our colleagues listed below to receive the Non-Disclosure Agreement!
Campden BRI Hungary:
- Zsófia Kertész: e-mail: z.kertesz(at)campdenkht.com, Tel: +3614331470
- Dr. András Sebők (responsible of the SP): e -mail: a.sebok(at)campdenkht.com , Tel.:+3614331470
University of Montpellier:
- Dr. Valérie Guillard (Coordinator): e-mail: valerie.guillard(at)umontpellier.fr; Tel.: +33 4 99 61 24 32
- Veronika Peciarova (Project Manager): e-mail: veronika.peciarova(at)umontpellier.fr; Tel.: +33 4 99 61 24 32 or +33 4 67 14 38 01
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